PreSchool Program

An Environment That Nurtures Growth

We provide specialized support and education for children aged 2 to 5, promoting early literacy, fostering community, and celebrating diversity.

Our facilities include well-equipped classrooms with essential areas like Dramatic Play, Art, Circle, Movement, Puzzles, Manipulatives, and Science Exploration.

CKC Preschool Centers

Opal Cliffs Children’s Center

Santa Cruz Gardens Children’s Center

A Glimpse into a Typical day at CKC Pre School

  • Welcome: Our preschool centers begin each day with a warm welcome to our students.

  • Self Directed play: Preschoolers enjoy a period of autonomous play, fostering decision-making skills and individual exploration.

  • Small Group Activities: Focused activities expand on the monthly curriculum theme.

  • Nutritious Snack: Refreshments are provided to nourish young minds and bodies, fostering community connections and learning opportunities.

  • Circle Time: During this group gathering, we engage in songs, games, and community-building, while also addressing school readiness through systems such as ASQ.

  • Teacher-Led Activities: Our dedicated teachers delve into the curriculum, transferring their knowledge to the children.

  • Lunch: We prioritize nutrition in your child's development, offering daily healthy lunches and snacks. For specific dietary needs or allergies, please inform our staff. Our monthly menu is accessible on our parent board and BrightWheel. Click here for a peak at our Sample Menu.

  • Rest Time: A dedicated period for children to rest and rejuvenate.

  • Afternoon Snack: Another nutritious refreshment readies young minds and bodies for further exploration.

  • Self Directed Outdoor play: Promoting physical activity and social interaction, our program's outdoor experience enhances overall development.