Frequently Asked Questions

Infant & Toddler:
Meals are not provided for our Infant program and must be provided by Guardians. We have the ability to warm or keep items cool and can store some non-perishables for your child.
In our toddler program, Guardians must provide lunch. We will provide a morning and afternoon snack. Our toddler snack menu is posted monthly on our parent board.
Children are not required to nap, but dedicated quiet time is scheduled to offer a rest point for the children.
We have an extensive waitlist, please contact the site director for inquiries.
We do not use timeout, we use redirection, connection and other positive discipline strategies.
We do not provide diapers, the parents must provide diapers and wipes as well as any necessary items.

We provide a healthy lunch and a nutritious morning and afternoon snack daily. Please alert staff if your child has any food allergies. Our menu is posted monthly on our parent board and on BrightWheel.
Yes, Immunizations are needed by the first day of care. The required immunizations are listed in our enrollment packet.
Yes, please be mindful that our program often has quiet times, where students are napping.
Coordinate with your site director to schedule a drop in time.

We have an extensive waitlist, please contact the administrative office for inquiries.
No, student must meet the regular requirements of school attendance to attend our program.
Yes, the guardians will need to complete and submit a form to the site director.
Guardians are welcome to pick up students at any point in the program.
The sites provide a dedicated homework club, where students can receive help in completing their homework.
Guardians must work with site director to enroll their student in homework club. Contact your site director for more information.
Age groupings vary from site to site based on our facilities. There are times throughout the day that all students will be together, but often we split activities into age appropriate groups.
Yes, students are welcome to bring their own food. Keep in mind that CKC is a Nut-Free program.
We do provide a daily snack, which is included in tuition.